Hello! If you like math, computers, finance, statistics, physics, music, cars, or odd opinions, then you're not alone. Here you can find some of my writings on these topics, as well as things I'm working on.
Typically, my interests involve numerical methods, computational mathematics, stochastic calculus, signal processing, and cryptography. The broad scope of these topics is only recently being explored in an interdisciplinary fashion, and I hope we will see many more breakthroughs in the coming decades.
For those unattracted to the satiating art of Mathematics, I would highly recommend Physics. It's the only subject that you can't escape, while being entirely founded in unprovable theories of 'good enough'. While I maintain a beautiful poster on light, I still can't decide if it is a particle, wave, or stop sign. Please reach out if you have an accepted answer.
Albert Schweitzer said "Wherever a man turns he can find someone who needs him." So when I need somewhere to turn to I try to teach others. There's a special place in my heart for proofs and real analysis/calculus, subjects frequently misunderstood. Teaching takes very little time, strengthens fundamentals, and provides a meaningful forum to kill nomenclature in the pursuit of knowledge. To all of my students, thank you.